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> Valdani Threads
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#199 Dark Olive Green Valdani Colorfast Perle Cotton
Dark Olive Green is another wonderful size 12 Valdani hand- overdyed perle cotton. Available in a 100 meter ball, this perle cotton can go the extra mile....hence plenty for the thread collection. The beautiful and rich dark olive shade carries a deep brown overtone. From woolie Fall leaf accents to Spring time blooms, dark olive green Valdani perle cotton is available in both siz 8 or size 12 thread weight. What a wonderful choice for any and all thread collections!
Select Thread Weight
Size 8 (67 meter ball)
size 12 (100 meter ball)
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#O120 Stormy Sky Valdani Colorfast Perle Cotton
 At Nutmeg Hare, thread and wool are easily at the center of the day .. so let's just add more beautiful Valdani perle cottons to your selection of choices. Stormy Sky is a lovely shade of medium to light gray leaning toward a blue gray tone...just very pretty and versatile. This size 8 Valdani hand overdyed perle cotton ball would, of course, be a wonderful addition to the stitcher's thread collection.
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#O510 Terracotta Twist Valdani Colorfast Perle Cotton
Nutmeg Hare loves the colors of the Autumn season which means that all orange shades fit into this category of "love, love, love"... Terracotta Twist is no exception and is just beautiful with its variegated shades of rusts and burnt oranges. It is no surprise that this size 12 Valdani hand overdyed perle cotton is yet another "must have". The needle is just waiting to be threaded with Terracotta Twist.
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#P12 Rich Brown Valdani Colorfast Perle Cotton
 Brown can be beauty...and this Valdani brown beauty definitely lives up to expectations. From the vintage hues sampler collection for Jacqueline Paton, this gorgeous size 8 variegated thread ranges in tones from rich chocolate to bambi brown...Endless possibilities when the needle is threaded with Valdani's rich brown perle cotton.
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#O592 Primitive Purples Valdani Colorfast Perle Cotton
 Purple ... It is definitely a beautiful color and a specialty color as well. Imagine what lovelies can be stitched with Valdani's size 12 primitive purples perle cotton. Nutmeg Hare finds purple to be "witchingly" beautiful when paired with the traditional Halloween colors of orange and black....But then again, when Spring rolls in, it is equally lovely for irises and petunias...hence it can be concluded that this variegated thread is a "must"... And since it may be fairly difficult to resist the temptation to stitch with primitive purples, perhaps we should all give in and make sure that our thread collection contains at least one ball of Valdani's purple perle cotton.
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#PT 3 Twisted Tweed Valdani Blue Perle Cotton
Take two threads... one a lovely blue shade and the other a light fawn brown, twist them together to become one..It's now the unique and gorgeous Valdani twisted tweed perle cotton. Soothe the soul as you stitch with this size 12 Valdani perle cotton and add a whole new element to your stitching adventures. The 100 meter ball will leave you with plenty of thread for your stash and more wool projects to come. With Valdani's new twisted tweed, stitching gets even better, if that is at all possible.
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